Logs & Kindling in Oxfordfordshire

Ashlogs has built its reputation on only supplying quality kiln dried hardwood logs typically Ash, Beech, Sycamore and Birch, and seasoned logs whilst stocks last!


We supply seasoned logs at less than 20% moisture content and Kiln-dried at less than 15%, ideal for woodburners and open fires.

All our logs are supplied by the cubic meter in loose loads, see truck pictures below.  We take pride in delivering a full cubic meter, have a look at our 'cubic meter' page to see why that's not always the case with other suppliers!

Available log sizes are 8-10inch or 10-14inch, we can arrange for a load at a size you require but this may take longer than our 24hr guaranteed delivery.

Local delivery within 20miles is free of charge.


Overview of our products


Kiln Dried Logs

1m³(single load)














Kiln Dried Logs

2m³(double load)


Fire In A Bag



*NEW FOR 2016*


Kiln dried logs and kindling with a firelighter, all you need for a fire in one bag.



Kiln Dried Log Bag

£9.00 (min order 20 bags)





Kindling net bag



We're always happy to discuss our range of products and services.

Contact us on 07762 816 185 or use our contact form.

